
by Veldapps



VeldwerkM, the first bodemapp for the iOS smartphone and tablet.When environmental soil survey are defined by field workers information on the condition of the soil. These are data points, soil layers, soil, wells and water sampling. Field workers have a lot of equipment with them and would therefore like to carry a device as small and simple as possible. has VeldwerkM this a good solution.VeldwerkM works locally and offline. There is no internet connection necessary to work with the app. Once installed, the field worker has all the necessary data, such as SIKB code lists with him.If desired, the application determines the location of sampling points. Using the camera allows the field worker pictures to access details. It also can scan barcodes with the camera in order to prevent typing errors. In addition, the app offers the benefit of entering soil types on a customized keyboard.If online, one can at any time be sent to the research data and photos. The survey data will be received via e-mail. These can then be imported into other applications such as Terra-Index or Phos4es. To send such emails requires a account.